What is the license key?
Your license key gives you access to DriverToolkit's registered-only features for a specified period of time. For example, only registered version of DriverToolkit can download and install drivers automatically. If you don't have a license key, you can get it from here.
How can I get the license key after I purchased it?
Your license key will be shown automatically after you place your order. You will also receive a confirmation email with your order information and license key.
I have not received my license key or I lost it, what should I do?
If you remember your licensed e-mail address, you can retrieve your license key from here instantly. If you don't, please contact us.
How to enter the license key?
Run DriverToolkit. Click drop-down menu on the top-right of DriverToolkit interface then choose [Enter License Key].
What shall I do if the license key is invalid?
Please entered the license key exactly as given to you. Every license key is bound to a unique e-mail address, make sure you enter the correct e-mail address (the same one you used when purchasing). You can check your license key status here.
Can I use my license key on multiple computers in my home?
It depends on your license type. The Family Pack license can be used on up to 3 computers, and it's 10 computers for the Enterprise license.
Will my subscription be automatically renewed?
As we do NOT automatically recharge or renew your subscription, For 1 year license, it will expire after the subscription period. For lifetime license, your license key will never expire.
What does lifetime license mean?
Lifetime means that you always can use it, you do not need to renew your license key. You pay again if you want DriverToolkit 9 (not released yet), but you do not need to upgrade if you are happy with DriverToolkit 8.
Do I get all later version upgrades for free?
Minor version upgrades such as bug fixes and product enhancements are free to eligible users. Major software version changes (version 8.x -> 9.x) are on an upgrade price fee.
Why are you charging me a VAT Tax?
According to EU regulations, independent of the seller’s location, all customers located within the EU are required to pay VAT. The rate applied is 21%. Should you have a valid VAT ID, you are exempt from VAT. All customers outside the EU are exempt from VAT with some exceptions: Norway, Switzerland and Iceland, where the VAT rate may vary from 8% to 25%, depending on your location.
What is your refund policy?
We offers a limited 60 day warranty on all software purchases except for 1 Month license. Refund requests should be submitted to support@drivertoolkit.com. In your refund request, please specify your full name, your proof of purchase and a valid reason why you would like a refund.
What are the system requirements for DriverToolkit?
Operating Systems: Both 32-bit and 64-bit of Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8 and windows Server 2012.
Hardware: Minimum 300 MHz CPU, 256MB RAM, and 20MB free hard drive space.
Why did DriverToolkit recommend drivers which are older than the ones I have installed?
By default, DriverToolkit recommend the best drivers for your PC. Our driver match algorithm determines the best drivers for your PC based on several factors besides the driver release date; for example, a old version of WHQL driver will be recommended rather than a new version with no digital signature. If you prefer DriverToolkit only to offer the latest drivers, please change the [Driver Match] option to [Match latest drivers for your PC] in DriverToolkit preferences.
Why did Device Driver Installation Wizard report "not needed or no device found"?
That is the way "Device Driver Installation Wizard" presents the driver installation results. Generally a driver package supports many devices and the devices do not exist on your PC will be shown as "Not needed" or "Not found". If you scroll down the result list, you will see one or more devices with status "Ready to use" or "Updated", which indicates the driver has been installed.
Why did DriverToolkit sometimes show devices which do not exist in Device Manager?
Windows Device Manager doesn't know the correct device name If the device driver is not properly installed, but DriverToolkit can identify the real device name for your PC devices. You will see the correct device name in Device Manager after the recommended driver is installed.
DriverToolkit prompt that there are 10 drivers need updating, but only 7 drivers left in the out-of-date drivers list?
Because some driver packages contain multiple device drivers, such as motherboard driver, which may contains PCI Express driver, USB Host controller driver and IDE/RAID controller driver.
I have backed up my PC's drivers on Windows XP, can I restore them on Windows 7?
Restoring drivers on a different operating system is NOT recommended. Most of drivers don't work, though there are some drivers may work well across multiple systems.
Does DriverToolkit support Windows 10?
Yes, DriverToolkit is fully compatible with Windows 10 (both 32-bit & 64-bit).
How can I uninstall DriverToolkit?
To uninstall DriverToolkit, please follow the instructions here.